The One Vegetable You Should Add To Your Meals Now

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Now I know vegetables aren't the most interesting topic to chat about, but nutrition is important, food is good, I love broccoli, and I care about you. (Really, I do!) According to the CDC*, only about 10% of adults get the recommended daily serving of vegetables, which is 2-3 cups. So, today I wanna talk about the perfect vegetable side to add at your next meal, nibble as a snack, or even bring to a party (yes, party) to help you get those extra nutrients in that you need and deserve!

I'm definitely not perfect, so it's not to say that I'm throwing back 2-3 cups of vegetables everyday, but I'm trying to up my and The Man's veggie intake. Broccoli is part of the progression for me. It's not the icky food you remember from childhood, and the adult version of you will LOVE it. (Trust me. Just go with it.) Throwing it on a baking sheet, drizzling a bit of olive oil, and tossing some sea salt and minced garlic on is easy as pie. It roasts at 400°F or 420°F (random, I know) for about 20 minutes, and viola! I have green broccoli that still has crunch and more importantly - a singe!


The singe is the best part! I will admit that broccoli isn't the most pleasant smelling of vegetables, but push pass that! I promise it will be worth it.

Roasted Broccoli With Garlic & Sea Salt


  • 2-3 crowns of broccoli

  • minced garlic

  • sea salt

  • olive oil


  • Heat oven to 400°F. (I sometimes use 420°F for the hell of it.)

  • Cut the broccoli heads from the stalks. I tend to cut most of the stalk off and even cut the heads a part so there appears to be more, but cut to the size of your liking.

  • Place broccoli in a colander and rinse well. Shake out excess water.

  • Transfer broccoli to a baking sheet and drizzle olive oil on top of the broccoli.

  • Add sea salt.

  • Add minced garlic. (I put minced garlic in the palm of my hand and sprinkle with my fingers to get even coverage.)

  • Roast in oven at 400°F for about 20 min. Add a couple minutes longer if you'd like more of a singe.


  • Once the broccoli is crisp to your liking, remove from the oven and let cool for a minute or two.

  • Then serve!

  • PARTY: Throw this on a serving platter and add a dip in the middle. Something spicy or a cool ranch dip will do the trick.

  • SNACK: Pack away in a small tubberware bowl, & snack at your leisure. Larger broccoli heads are better finger foods.

  • MEAL: Throw this on your plate as a side or use it as the base of a meatless meal. (Check out the veggie bowl picture below with zucchini noodles, broccoli, asparagus, peppers, and onions.)

Give it a try and let me know how it goes! Tag me on IG or share on Facebook, and don't say I never did anything for you. Check out a few health stats on broccoli here, and add some to your diet ASAP.

If you're intersted in other veggie meals, try this one out too. Kale is the hero I never knew I needed.



Feature photo by Katie Smith on Unsplash
*CDC Reference can be found here.